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This is a repository for the most frequently asked questions, hence the header 

Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ, answers, The SMART Assist, transaction coordinator, tc, virtual assistant
  • But what about...
    Still have questions? Click the "Questions?" button and knock yourself out.
  • Do you write offers?
    We can and do draft documents as part of our standard contract-to-close services. When it comes to offers, we feel it best for agents to do this for their clients. TCs are available to help agents locate the proper forms, special stipulations or contact clauses to craft the perfect offer or counter offer, but ultimately, the responsibility of writing offers falls to the agent. We recognize that logistics and technology can impact an agent's productivity--so we invite you to contact us for a complimentary operations review.
  • What happens if I submit a file and then find out you are already workign with the other agent?
    Whether you are representing both the buyer and the seller or we are providing service to you and another agent, we will treat each “side” as a separate transaction–each with its own set of contacts, communications, tasks and timelines. Keeping things separated helps ensure that nothing is overlooked, prevents deadlines from getting soft, and it reduces the risk of any inadvertent disclosures that could disadvantage agents and the clients they represent.
  • What does the buyer or seller see when a Transaction Coordinator contacts them?
    Hopefully, they see us as another one of your trusted and valuable service providers that consistently operates with the highest level of professionalism and transparency--an extension of yourself and a reflection of the quality service that you provide.
  • What happens if a contract cancels?
    We'll assist with gathering up any additional documents that your brokerage requires and then we'll blink and move on to the next one. We have confidence in your ability to regroup -- so at this time, we are not assessing a cancellation fee. However, The SMART Assist reserves the right to increase rates or assess a termination fee for agents that have a cancellation rate that exceeds the norm for their market. But don’t worry, we’ll give you a heads up to discuss any changes before they are implemented.
  • What’s this going to cost?
    Instead of looking at this in terms of cost, think of this in terms of gains... like time or peace of mind. By outsourcing the tasks associated with managing your transactions, you may suddenly find that you have gained time to focus on building your business and any the boost to your business will eclipse any costs associated with partnering with a TC. Let's face it, Real Estate is about relationships--and it's not just the relationships that you have with people (your clients), but the relationships those people have with other people (the people they'll refer to you). We're in this for the long haul, and we hope you are too. So check out our services and contact us to create a solution that will help you grow.
  • It seems like y'all do a lot.. what's left for the agent?
    Just two things: Fight for your client. The agent will handle all negotiations and reduce those terms to writing. Own your urgency outside of typical business hours. Agents are welcome to reach out at any time, day or night, but they do so with the understanding that requests received after 4PM Central Time may not be fulfilled until the following business day.
  • When do you work?
    Generally speaking, much of our work involves collaboration with closing attorneys, escrow officers, lenders, inspectors and much more, so our hours of operations will closely resemble theirs. To be honest, a TC's work is never done. We're always working on something so agents are encouraged to submit any requests 24/7. Please understand that requests submitted outside of "typical" business hours may not get a response until the following business day. But rest assured, we are working on it. For agents, teams and brokerages who require the highest level of service, we suggest inquiring about our "on demand" services package.
  • How do I pay for services?
    This will depend on what your brokerage permits, so YMMV. We’ll explore this more fully during the on-boarding process. Keep in mind, TCs are providing services to agents, not to buyers or sellers, so agents will always be 100% responsible for paying for the services we provide.
  • Are you licensed?
    Yup. And we carry our own E&O insurance. The SMART Assist is the Transaction Coordination Services division of Your Way Realty, LLC, an independent brokerage that specializes in transaction management. Since we are licensed, we are held to the same standards and subject to the same disciplinary action as every other licensee. Our founder, Candee Wilhelm, has been licensed to sell real estate since 2011--so she understands the day-to-day challenges that agents face and works just as hard as her agent-partners to get their deals to the closing table.
  • How do I get started?
    Jeepers--we thought you'd never ask!! Click here to reach out and get started!
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